What We Do

BookGive is a Denver book charity that sparks a lifelong love of reading by fueling the community with free books. We distribute new and gently used books from our service station to individuals, schools, and nonprofits throughout metro Denver.

Book Donations

Do you have books to donate? Fantastic! Check out our donation hours and book donation protocols.

Does your organization need free books? We specialize in delivering curated collections, exactly the kinds of books that will inspire reading for the people you serve. Place a book request.

Need books for yourself or your family? First, get on our email list so you can attend our next book give-away event. In the meantime, visit the Free Book Room!

Free Book Room

The Free Book Room is exactly what you’d think – a room full of books you can take home for free. Plan your visit.

Fill ‘er Up!

We know the more we read, the greater our ability to step into the stories of others. What happens then? We create a more empathetic and kind community.

How many books does it take to fuel a strong, healthy community? Could be a long road. Might as well fill ‘er up!

Support BookGive