Yes, all the books are free. Yes, you can come as often as you like.
Welcome to the Free Book Room!
The Free Book Room is exactly that — a room full of books you can have for free.
Books for all ages. Books in every genre. All free.
How? BookGive’s mission is to increase book access. We make sure free books are available to all who need them.
Location & Hours
BookGive Service Station
4890 Lowell Blvd
Denver, CO 80221
Tuesday: 9am-12pm*
Wednesday: 9am-12pm*
Friday: 9am-12pm*
Saturday: 9am-12pm*
*Also book donation days. If you have books to donate, please bring them on these days only, when we are specially staffed by volunteers who are trained and able to accept book donations. Review book donation protocols.
The Free Book Room is made possible by the financial support of hundreds of donors who believe that literacy is a basic human right.