About Us

We’re Denver’s nonprofit free book resource!

We believe that everyone who wants books should have as many as they want. BookGive makes sure every person throughout metro Denver has access to free books—books they can keep and own.

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, BookGive sparks the lifelong love of reading by fueling metro Denver with free books. We distribute new and gently used books from our service station to individuals, schools, and nonprofits throughout the metro area. Read more about what we do.

Our Mission

Plain and simple. We believe literacy is a basic human right. Everyone deserves books. We curate every book request that we deliver. Boulder Bridge House serves people transitioning to permanent housing, so we include cookbooks with recipes for busy working folks. Urban Peak serves diverse youth experiencing homelessness, so we include books with characters of color and queer characters. Crossroads at Lakewood has a memory care unit, so we include coffee table books with fabulous images. Our mission is to deliver free books, the right books that truly inspire readers.

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Our Goals

Get to know the objectives of our Denver book charity.
bookgive spark reading badge

To spark a lifelong love of reading.

bookgive pump free books badge

To pump out free books to all who wish to read.

bookgive literacy badge

To fuel literacy throughout metro Denver.

Our Team

Meet the fabulous bibliophiles that make it all possible.
Jenny Stockton
Jenny Stockton
Susan Eckert
Susan Eckert
Nicole Sullivan
Nicole Sullivan
Founder & President
Azanae’ Tooke
Azanae’ Tooke
Andres Guevara
Andres Guevara
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Support the free exchange of books and ideas.