BookGive: Choose Your Own Adventure

Contributed by Melissa Monforti, Executive Director

If you’ve followed BookGive for even just a month, one of the few things you’ve probably picked up by now is that we are affiliated with BookBar, the beloved bookstore winebar on Tennyson Street in Denver. BookBar is a primary character in our origin story, playing the role of fairy godmother or hip older sister or maybe that revered teacher you always want to go back to visit.

Well, you know when you get to the part of the book when you realize your favorite character is going to…close their bookstore?

Yes. It’s true.

On Monday, September 26th, Nicole Sullivan announced her decision to close BookBar, with a closing date of January 31, 2023.

You may be wondering how this change will affect BookGive. Here are some answers for you.

Who is Nicole Sullivan?
Nicole Sullivan is BookGive’s founder and current board president. She owns BookBar and The Bookies, two independent bookstores that support BookGive with 10% of book sales. She also owns BookBar Press.

Why is this important to BookGive?
Our relationship with BookBar goes much deeper than simply financial support. Over ten years’ time, BookBar cultivated a strong and supportive community made up of folks dedicated to books, to buying local, to independent booksellers, to sustainability, to the strength of the Tennyson St. business district and, of course, to book access. It is from that foundation that BookGive began our journey to become Denver’s nonprofit free book resource. When BookBar closes, a big piece of our history will become a past tense part of our story.

Will BookGive still be open?
YES! BookGive is a completely separate entity, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Our close relationship with BookBar does not cross that line. We have our own governance, banking, payroll, mission and strategic plan. None of these things depend on BookBar remaining open.

How will BookGive survive without that income?
Thankfully, BookBar support, although so generous, has not been our sole lifeline. Through our good work, we have garnered an amazing community of donors and have received a few distinctive grants, even in these early years. We will continue to gratefully receive 10% of book sales from The Bookies. That said, we will be adjusting to this change in resourcing. Keep an eye out for ways that you can support our mission with your time, talent and treasure.

AND, BookBar doesn’t close until January 31st. If you’ll be buying books this holiday season, your purchases in person and online at BookBar and The Bookies will help boost BookGive’s 2023 plans.

Will any of BookGive’s programming change?
No…and YES! We are still dreaming big with plans to serve in as many ways as possible. We are not planning any changes yet, and you’ll be the first to know when new programs are rolling out and/or others are changing to meet the needs of those who need books.

Will this affect the organization’s ability to support the executive director?
No. This change does not affect our ability to support our executive director salary.

Will Nicole still stay involved with BookGive?
Yes. Nicole will remain as our board president. In fact, she is hoping to bring more of her energy to the BookGive leadership team once BookBar is officially closed on January 31, 2023.

So, what’s next then?
Remember those “choose your own adventure” books? At the end of every chapter, you get to choose how to proceed in the story. Each book in the series has multiple endings depending on the choices you make as you read.

Now is a unique time for BookGive to choose our next chapter. Our relationship with BookBar is coming to an end. We won’t have that same older sister to depend on any more. Like all heroes in their journeys, we’re heading into new territory – albeit not alone.

BookGive has an excellent leadership team, the support of our new sister, The Bookies, and you. You are part of a community of thousands of followers, donors and volunteers who will help decide our next chapters as we go.

The best part is that, unlike a book on the shelf, our endings are not yet written. I heartily invite YOU to help shape the rest of the BookGive story. I am sure that there are many more adventures ahead and I sincerely hope to enjoy them all with you.

(The very best way to stay involved is to join our email list…please use the link at the top of this page or the bottom of every page of our website.)