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Back to School BookGive-away

BookGive Service Station 4890 Lowell Blvd, Denver

Attention teachers and families! Stock your school and home libraries with gently-used FREE books. *** For personal use only. Not for resale.

Family Volunteer Day

BookGive Service Station 4890 Lowell Blvd, Denver

Trying to start a family culture of community service? Looking for ways to introduce your kids to volunteering? Join us at The Station to volunteer as a family! Sign up for 30-minute slots for up to 2 adults and 3 kids (5 and older) to help process book donations and fill book orders. While here, […]

Summer Reading Book Give-Away

BookGive Service Station 4890 Lowell Blvd, Denver

Come fill a bag with books to read over the summer. This outdoor event will take place at our service station, 4890 Lowell Blvd. The event is free and open to the public. There is no limit to the number of books you can take. Please invite your teachers and neighbors, family and friends. Our […]